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Tap2Map is the most advanced professional iOS-based 3D flight planning app for DJI UAVs

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Tap2Map - 3D Flight Planner for DJI UAVs

Using our well-established and advanced algorithms, combined with decades of aerial survey expertise, we have created the most advanced 3D flight planning application for DJI drones, 

Tap2Map - 3D flight planner for DJI UAVs.

With tremendous experience in the manned aerial survey business, the team behind Tap2Map understands the importance of an accurate, reliable, and easy-to-use 3D flight planner. Every professional surveyor agrees that the finished product, whether it be a map, 3D model, road, or railway vectors, will only be as good as your input data.


Tap2Map - 3D flight planner for DJI UAVs provides the most efficient, accurate, and reliable automated method to collect your aerial survey input data.

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Using the Tap2Map 3D flight planner, you can create your automated 3D flight plan with just a few taps.

Specially designed features of our app, combined with the robustness of the iOS hardware, will improve your data acquisition and data management process.


At the same time, the app will increase the productivity of your aerial survey business and minimize the time spent in the field.


Five different flight mission types


Our comprehensive Tap2Map 3D flight planner for DJI UAVs comes with five different flight mission types. Each flight mission is designed to be intuitive, accurate, and reliable, giving you the flexibility you need even for the most challenging areas or features that are planned to be surveyed.



Our comprehensive Tap2Map 3D flight planner for DJI UAVs also comes with six extra features. Each feature will help you optimize flight efficiency and keep your flight parameters at their best for reliable image and LiDAR data collection quality.


The Tap2Map app provides full project management capabilities to support each mission type. Manage your projects in the most optimal way, whether by starting a new project, continuing an unfinished project, or repeating a recurrent survey. 


A post-flight report will be automatically generated, containing everything you need for an easy transfer to the next geo-data processing software.


Try Tap2Map, the most complete 3D flight planner for DJI drones, and you will never leave a picture behind!



Tap2Map - 3D Flight Planner for DJI drones

For a FREE TRIAL including all five flight missions, try Tap2Map, the professional iOS-based 3D flight planning app for DJI UAVs.


Visit our product and pricing page for more details.

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